The Greatest Murder Mysteries - Josephine Tey Edition

Josephine Tey

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Beschreibung zu „The Greatest Murder Mysteries - Josephine Tey Edition“

e-artnow presents to you the best Josephine Tey murder mysteries and detective books in one ebook edition. Inspector Alan Grant is a Scotland Yard detective who relies on his instincts and often goes against the evidence if his gut feeling says so. He is thorough and systematic in his investigations and always pulls through. Contents: "The Man in the Queue" (or Killer in the Crowd) – Inspector Grant investigates a murder of a man who was stabbed in the ticket line in front of theatre. There are numerous witnesses, but nobody saw anything. "A Shilling for Candles" – Inspector Grant investigates a drowning of a young actress which first seems like an accident, but as investigation moves forward, Grant's clues spell murder. "The Franchise Affair" – Inspector Grant prosecutes two women accused for kidnapping young girl starving her, beating her and forcing her to work domestic chores. "To Love and Be Wise" – Inspector Grant investigates disappearance of a young and desirable photographer who had many female admirers, but also many jealous competitors. "The Daughter of Time" – Inspector Grant is in hospital with a broken leg. With the help of friends, patients and medical staff Grant researches King Richard III, his life and conduct, and investigates his alleged crimes. "The Singing Sands" – Inspector Grant takes a sick leave from Scotland Yard and plans a quiet holiday in Scotland. Traveling by a train, Grant discovers a dead man and a cryptic message which turns his sick leave to a full time work and a perilous adventure. Other Mysteries: Miss Pym Disposes Brat Farrar (Come and Kill Me)






ca. 1736





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