History of the Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign

The Account of the War by the Eye-witnessing Officer

Joseph Hordynski

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Beschreibung zu „History of the Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign“

The book tells about the events pre-, during, and post the great Polish revolution. It describes the prerequisites of the war, the analysis of the political and social situation, and the complete account of the revolution from the perspective of an eyewitness. Being an experienced participant of Napoleonic wars, Hordynskiy gives an expert assessment of the flaws and wins of the revolution, tells about the chief leaders such as Marshal Diebitsch, Prince Wirtemberg, and others. Since this book is a memoir, it is full of interesting details, not typical for the official records—a valuable source for reference for everyone interested in the history of the events described.
Joseph Hordynski (1792 – 1840) was a Polish Sapper Corps officer, an experienced veteran of the Napoleon wars, and an active participant of November 1830 Upraising. Being forced to flee after the November events, he emigrated to the United States, where he created and published the memoirs of the Polish revolution. After, he moved to France to continue for his fight for Poland.






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