Mental Philosophy: Including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will

Joseph Haven

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Beschreibung zu „Mental Philosophy: Including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will“

Joseph Haven's 'Mental Philosophy: Including the Intellect, Sensibilities, and Will' is a comprehensive exploration of the human mind, covering topics such as cognition, emotions, and decision-making. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book delves into various psychological theories and philosophical perspectives to provide a well-rounded understanding of mental processes. Haven's emphasis on the interplay between the intellect, sensibilities, and will offers readers a holistic approach to the complexities of the mind, making this book a valuable resource for students and scholars alike. Situating the work within the context of 19th-century philosophy, Haven's analysis of the mind reflects the intellectual debates and advancements of the time, offering readers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of mental philosophy. As an esteemed scholar in the field, Joseph Haven's expertise shines through in this thought-provoking and enlightening study, making 'Mental Philosophy' a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of human consciousness and behavior.


Good Press




ca. 535





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