The Teacher

(Spirituality & Practice)

Joseph Benner

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Beschreibung zu „The Teacher“

This eBook edition of "The Teacher" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
"You, who have heard the Call of The Christ, and have consecrated yourself and your life to the service of Humanity; You who have felt the Divine urge to give to others of the Spiritual blessings you have received; You, who have assumed the position of Teacher and leader to hungering Souls that have come to you to be fed;-- Hear this, My special Message, to you. You, beloved, are my chosen Minster. You I have selected to be an avenue through which I shall pour many blessing into the world." – An excerpt from "The Teacher"
Joseph Benner (1872–1938) was an American author, Spiritual writer, and Representative of the Brotherhood of Christ who used the pen name "Anonymous." He was the first to introduce the Knowledge and Teachings of the Impersonal Life (also known as the "I AM" Teaching) to the world in his first book, "The Impersonal Life". Benner taught that Christ's proclaiming "I AM" indicated "the true spirit that resides in every human being."


Musaicum Books




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