Essays and Tales

Joseph Addison Henry Morley

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Beschreibung zu „Essays and Tales“

Joseph Addison's 'Essays and Tales' provides a collection of insightful essays and captivating tales that offer a glimpse into the social and moral issues of the early 18th century. Written in a clear and concise style, Addison's work reflects the literary tradition of the period, focusing on enlightening the reader through moral instruction and social commentary. The essays cover a wide range of topics, from the importance of wit and humor to the consequences of vanity and pride, making it a comprehensive exploration of the human condition. The tales, on the other hand, entertain and engage the reader with intriguing plotlines and memorable characters, showcasing Addison's narrative skills. Through this collection, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and intellectual landscape of the time. A must-read for those interested in literature and history. Joseph Addison's 'Essays and Tales' is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.


Good Press




ca. 134





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