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vSphere is the flagship suit of Server virtualization, cloud deployment, and management. VMware vSphere comes with features that help you prepare a robust foundation to build virtual environments. You might have an already-built vSphere deployment, but managing the resources of your vSphere environment is crucial in order to save time and improve productivity.
This practical guide provides readers with a high-level understanding of the various components, methodologies and general best practices for maintaining and managing resources in a virtual environment.
Readers will begin the book with an explanation of the requirements for ESXi, the groundwork for VMware vSphere, and move through a comprehensive study of how resources are supplied. We’ll then progress with showing you the characteristics that enable resource and virtual machine availability.
With a solid understanding of the requirements to build and run your environment, you then move on to understanding how ESXi manages resources such as CPU, memory, disk, and networks for multiple virtual machines and how it ensures resource availability. Finally, you will be made aware of the options available with Vmware vSphere to automate and monitor your environment.
Readers will go through a learning curve of understanding the components, identifying the course of action, and putting it to practice.
This concise guide follows a practical approach, covering solutions and methods to manage resources for virtualization.
If you are a current vSphere administrator who is aspiring to start your virtualization journey with VMware vSphere and wants to learn how to manage your resources, this is the book for you. Readers are expected to have some prior knowledge of ESXi and vCenter.
Packt Publishing
ca. 99