The Revision Revised

John William Burgon

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Beschreibung zu „The Revision Revised“

In 'The Revision Revised' by John William Burgon, the author delves into a scholarly examination of the different versions of the Bible, focusing on the authenticity and accuracy of the text. Written in a detailed and precise literary style, Burgon meticulously dissects various biblical translations and revisions, providing insight into the historical context and implications of these changes. He argues for the preservation of the original text and raises questions about the validity of modernized versions. The book serves as a valuable resource for those interested in textual criticism and the evolution of the Bible. John William Burgon, a renowned theologian and scholar, brings a depth of knowledge and expertise to his analysis, drawing on his background in biblical studies and religious literature. His rigorous research and dedication to accuracy are evident throughout the book. 'The Revision Revised' is recommended for readers seeking a scholarly and comprehensive exploration of the Bible's textual history and the importance of preserving its original form.


Good Press




ca. 579





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