A Century of American Diplomacy

John W. Foster

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Beschreibung zu „A Century of American Diplomacy“

John W. Foster's 'A Century of American Diplomacy' is a comprehensive account of the evolution and impact of American diplomatic efforts over a hundred-year period. Through meticulous research and analysis, Foster delves into the key events, policies, and personalities that have shaped American foreign relations, providing a scholarly exploration of the nation's diplomatic history. The book is written in a clear and engaging prose, making it accessible to both academics and general readers interested in the subject. Foster's work stands out for its attention to detail and its insightful examination of the complexities of diplomatic practice. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of American diplomacy and its role in the global arena. It sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of U.S. foreign policy, offering a nuanced perspective on the country's place in the world.


Good Press




ca. 394





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