A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature

John W. Cousin

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Beschreibung zu „A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature“

John W. Cousin's 'A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature' is a comprehensive and informative compilation of notable figures in English literary history. Written in a concise and clear style, this book provides readers with a detailed overview of the lives and works of various authors, poets, and playwrights from different periods of English literature. The book also includes critical analysis and insightful commentary on the significance of each literary figure within their respective literary contexts, making it a valuable resource for students and scholars alike. Cousin's work serves as an essential reference guide for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry of English literature. With its meticulous research and engaging writing style, this book is a must-read for literature enthusiasts seeking to broaden their knowledge and appreciation of the literary canon.


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ca. 714





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