The Mysterious Stranger and Other Cartoons

John T. McCutcheon

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Beschreibung zu „The Mysterious Stranger and Other Cartoons“

In 'The Mysterious Stranger and Other Cartoons', John T. McCutcheon presents a collection of satirical and thought-provoking comic strips that delve into the complexities of human nature and societal issues. McCutcheon's witty and insightful commentary shines through his engaging illustrations, offering readers a unique perspective on the world around them. Set in early 20th century America, the book provides a glimpse into the cultural and political landscape of the time, highlighting timeless themes that remain relevant today. McCutcheon's clever use of humor and irony adds depth to his work, making it a compelling read for those interested in both literary and historical perspectives. As an acclaimed political cartoonist and Pulitzer Prize winner, McCutcheon's expertise in visual storytelling makes this collection a valuable addition to any reader's library.


Good Press




ca. 46





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