Agent to the Stars

John Scalzi

Science Fiction

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Beschreibung zu „Agent to the Stars“

From New York Times bestseller and Hugo Award-winner, John Scalzi, a gleeful mash-up of science fiction and Hollywood satire

The space-faring Yherajk have come to Earth to meet us and to begin humanity's first interstellar friendship. There's just one problem: They're hideously ugly and they smell like rotting fish.

So getting humanity's trust is a challenge. The Yherajk need someone who can help them close the deal.

Enter Thomas Stein, who knows something about closing deals. He's one of Hollywood's hottest young agents. But although Stein may have just concluded the biggest deal of his career, it's quite another thing to negotiate for an entire alien race. To earn his percentage this time, he's going to need all the smarts, skills, and wits he can muster.

Other Tor Books
The Android’s Dream
Agent to the Stars
Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded
Fuzzy Nation

1. Lock In
2. Head On

The Interdepency Sequence
1. The Collapsing Empire
2. The Consuming Fire

Old Man's War Series
1. Old Man’s War
2. The Ghost Brigades
3. The Last Colony
4. Zoe’s Tale
5. The Human Division
6. The End of All Things

At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Über John Scalzi

John Scalzi, Jahrgang 1969, wuchs in Kalifornien auf. Nach dem College arbeitete er zunächst als Filmkritiker und später als Redakteur des Internet-Magazins America Online. Bereits sein Debütroman Krieg der Klone war so erfolgreich, dass John Scalzi sich von da an hauptberuflich dem Schreiben seiner Science-Fiction-Romane widmete. Nebenbei unterhält er schon seit Jahren seinen vielbesuchten Blog The Whatever. Mit seiner Frau und seiner Tochter lebt der Autor in Ohio.

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1 Kommentar zu „Agent to the Stars“

Simply great sci-fi novel! I like Scalzis way of developing characters ans stories, he has a good humour!

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