In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education

John S. Hart

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Beschreibung zu „In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education“

In 'In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education,' John S. Hart explores the fundamental principles of education through a series of thought-provoking chapters. Written in a clear and concise style, the book delves into the philosophical underpinnings of educational practices, offering insights into the purpose and methods of teaching. Hart's work is a valuable contribution to the field of education, drawing on both classical philosophy and contemporary educational theory to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject. John S. Hart, a renowned educator and philosopher, brings years of experience to his examination of education in 'In the School-Room.' With a background in both academia and practical teaching, Hart offers a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing educators today. His keen insights and thoughtful analysis make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the philosophy of education. I highly recommend 'In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education' to educators, scholars, and anyone passionate about the principles that guide our educational systems. Hart's engaging writing style and deep understanding of the subject make this book an essential addition to any library.


Good Press




ca. 219





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