
A Collection of Scenes about Fear

John Reed Middleton

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Beschreibung zu „Fear“

FEAR is a play for students in Years 9, 10 or 11 (Level 5/1). It is designed for a normal-sized English class and for students with varying interests in acting. Every scene deals with a situation in which FEAR takes center stage. The themes are geared to the experiences of students today and offer young actresses and actors the opportunity to discover FEAR in its many guises while performing. The plots range from believable to supernatural, often straddling the gap between real objects of fear and the darker side of the human psyche. The language is idiomatic and accessible for advanced English learners. FEAR works well when performed for smaller audiences: parents and other classes. But it can also be highly entertaining for a large audience. Performing time: about 90 minutes. Of course, it is also possible to select individual scenes and perform them as simple skits outside the context of FEAR. In that case it is still recommendable to create a suitable setting for presenting the skits to an audience. The true joy of performing a foreign-language play is to feel it click, to realize that the people watching the performance don't only "get the picture", they are also delighted to see a story come to life when presented in English by non-native performers.


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