The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other Poems

John Reade

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Beschreibung zu „The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other Poems“

John Reade's 'The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other Poems' is a collection of enchanting poems that explore themes of magic, prophecy, and the supernatural. Written in a romantic and lyrical style reminiscent of the Romantic poets, Reade's work transports readers to a mystical and otherworldly realm. The poems within this collection are rich in vivid imagery and emotional depth, offering a glimpse into the author's profound understanding of human nature and the mysteries of the universe. With its evocative language and haunting beauty, 'The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other Poems' is a captivating read for lovers of poetry and the fantastical. John Reade's background in literature and folklore shines through in this collection, showcasing his talent for weaving together myth and reality in a spellbinding tapestry of words. Drawing inspiration from legends and ancient tales, Reade's work is a testament to his passion for storytelling and the power of imagination. Readers who appreciate the beauty of language and the wonder of the unknown will find 'The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other Poems' a truly captivating and mesmerizing literary experience.


Good Press




ca. 97





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