A Synopsis of the Birds of North America

John James Audubon

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Beschreibung zu „A Synopsis of the Birds of North America“

In 'A Synopsis of the Birds of North America' by John James Audubon, the reader is taken on a comprehensive journey through the avian world of North America. Audubon's detailed descriptions and stunning illustrations bring to life over 500 species of birds, making this book an essential reference for bird enthusiasts and ornithologists alike. The book's scientific approach is enhanced by Audubon's artistic flair, showcasing his passion for both natural history and the visual arts. Written in a precise and informative style, this work remains a classic in the field of ornithology. Audubon's dedication to capturing the beauty and diversity of North American birds is evident on every page. Through his meticulous observations and meticulous drawings, he offers readers a truly immersive experience into the world of birds. 'A Synopsis of the Birds of North America' is a testament to Audubon's expertise and love for the natural world, making it a must-read for anyone interested in avian biology or art history.


Good Press




ca. 401





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