The Motor Rangers on Blue Water; or, The Secret of the Derelict

John Henry Goldfrap

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Beschreibung zu „The Motor Rangers on Blue Water; or, The Secret of the Derelict“

In 'The Motor Rangers on Blue Water; or, The Secret of the Derelict,' John Henry Goldfrap combines elements of adventure, mystery, and technology as the Motor Rangers set out on a thrilling maritime journey. The book is written in a straightforward yet engaging style, suitable for young adult readers. Set in the late 19th or early 20th century, the novel captures the spirit of exploration and innovation of the time, appealing to readers interested in historical fiction with a technological twist. John Henry Goldfrap, a prolific writer of adventure stories for young readers, draws on his own experiences and interests in technology to craft a story that is both entertaining and educational. His background in engineering and his love for the sea shine through in the vivid descriptions and realistic portrayals of maritime adventures. I highly recommend 'The Motor Rangers on Blue Water; or, The Secret of the Derelict' to readers who enjoy a mix of action, mystery, and historical fiction. Goldfrap's storytelling skills and attention to detail make this book a captivating read for those interested in maritime adventures and technological innovations of the past.


Good Press




ca. 139





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