
John Galsworthy

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Beschreibung zu „Tatterdemalion“

In John Galsworthy's novel, Tatterdemalion, readers are transported to the early 20th century where they are immersed in a story of societal class struggles and the impact of one's upbringing on their future path in life. Galsworthy's literary style is characterized by its poignant portrayal of characters and their internal conflicts, providing a window into the human experience of the time. Tatterdemalion reflects the broader literary context of the era, focusing on themes of identity, morality, and the constraints of society. The novel's intricate plot and well-developed characters make it a compelling read for those interested in exploring the complexities of human nature and societal norms. As a seminal work in Galsworthy's body of literature, Tatterdemalion showcases the author's dedication to telling stories that resonate with readers on a deep, emotional level. Galsworthy's own background as a playwright and novelist informs his ability to craft narratives that captivate and provoke thought. Overall, Tatterdemalion is a must-read for those seeking a nuanced and thought-provoking exploration of class dynamics and individual struggles within society.

Über John Galsworthy

John Galsworthy was born in 1867. An early encounter with Joseph Conrad helped inspire him to write, and he went on to emerge as one of the most widely read novelists of his day, a reputation standing the test of time. He was elected the first president of International PEN, the association of writers, in 1912. He is best remembered for his trilogy The Forsyte Saga, which clinched his award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1932. He died in 1933, aged 65.


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