
Die 21 wichtigsten Führungsprinzipien

John C. Maxwell

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Beschreibung zu „Leadership“

Wer Führungskraft sein will, sollte sie kennen - die 21 wichtigsten Führungsprinzipien. Wer sie anwendet, wird erfolgreich sein - in Beruf, Familie und Umfeld. Wer erfolgreich bleiben will, sollte diese von John C. Maxwell in seiner über dreißigjährigen Tätigkeit als Lebens- und Managementberater ausgearbeiteten Prinzipien verinnerlichen und leben.

Über John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold more than 18 million books. Dr. Maxwell is the founder of EQUIP, a non-profit organization that has trained more than 5 million leaders in 126 countries worldwide. Each year he speaks to the leaders of diverse organizations, such as Fortune 500 companies, foreign governments, the National Football League, the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the United Nations. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best-selling author, Maxwell has written three books that have sold more than a million copies: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. His blog can be read at JohnMaxwellOnLeadership.com.

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