The History of Lapland

Wherein Are Shewed the Original, Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, &c. of That People

Johannes Scheffer

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Beschreibung zu „The History of Lapland“

Johannes Scheffer's 'The History of Lapland' is a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the Lapland region, delving into its geography, culture, and folklore. Written in a detailed and scholarly tone, Scheffer takes readers on a journey through the rich history of Lapland, from its indigenous Sami population to its unique traditions and customs. Drawing on historical accounts and personal observations, the book provides a vivid picture of life in this remote northern region during the 17th century. Johannes Scheffer, a renowned scholar and historian, had a deep fascination with the indigenous peoples of the North. His expertise in anthropology and linguistics equipped him with the knowledge and insight needed to shed light on the often overlooked history of Lapland. Scheffer's meticulous research and dedication to accuracy make 'The History of Lapland' a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history and culture of the Arctic. I highly recommend 'The History of Lapland' to readers who are passionate about cultural history, anthropology, and the indigenous peoples of the North. Scheffer's work offers a rare glimpse into a world that is both enchanting and mysterious, making it a must-read for anyone seeking to broaden their understanding of this unique region.


Good Press




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