The Art of Making Better Decisions. How to Develop More Determination Even in Complex Situations

Step by Step Guide to Better Decisions

Johanna Dahm

Hörbuch Ratgeber Psychologie & Selbsthilfe

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Beschreibung zu „The Art of Making Better Decisions. How to Develop More Determination Even in Complex Situations“

Eight out of ten people put off important decisions themselves. From shopping to choosing a partner to career questions or financial decisions. Why is that actually the case? And aren't there ways to make decisions more easily, even in complex matters? Germany`s Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker and Top Corporate Consultant Johanna Dahm illustrates the disadvantages for individuals and also organizations when decisions are postponed. She shows how simple it can be to make decisions more easily and quickly. Because the future depends on whether we continue to put things off or whether we actually implement goals.

Gelesen von:

Marco Neumann


DJD International




58 Min.





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