Violin I part of "Die Fledermaus" for String Quartet

"The Bat" overture

a cura di Enrico Zullino Enrico Zullino Johann Strauss II Johann Baptist Strauss

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Beschreibung zu „Violin I part of "Die Fledermaus" for String Quartet“

The Violin I part of "The Flittermouse" overture, composed by Johann Strauss II and expertly transcribed by Enrico Zullino for string quartet, offers a rich and intricate exploration of Strauss's celebrated work. Designed for advanced or intermediate level players, this arrangement in the key of A major, with an approximate duration of 8 minutes and 30 seconds, presents both a challenging and rewarding experience for musicians. The full ensemble consists of Violin I, Violin II, Viola, and Cello, with both individual parts and the complete score available in the series.

To enhance the musical journey, the arrangement is accompanied by informative prefaces, provided in multiple languages including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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