The Little Book of Dyslexia

Both Sides of the Classroom

Ian Gilbert Joe Beech

Psychologie & Selbsthilfe

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Beschreibung zu „The Little Book of Dyslexia“

A book for teachers that shares Joe Beech's story but, more importantly, is full of practical ideas that can be used by students with dyslexia and by teachers teaching children with dyslexia.The Little Book of Dyslexia references both personal experience and current research and findings in order to highlight issues faced by people with dyslexia. It looks at a number of strategies which can be used both inside and outside the classroom to help students with dyslexia. It also lists various resources which can be used alongside these strategies to create a successful learning environment for those with dyslexia.The book progresses through the various challenges that are faced at different age ranges, starting with the youngest, including some of the early signs you may see with dyslexia, moving up through primary and secondary school and finally onto university and being a student teacher.An outstanding guide for students, teachers and parents.


Independent Thinking Press




ca. 104





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