JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook

Jobin Kuruvilla

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook“

In Detail

JIRA provides issue tracking and project tracking for software development teams to improve code quality and the speed of development.

"JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook" is a one stop resource to master extensions and customizations in JIRA. You will learn how to create your own JIRA plugins, customize the look and feel of your JIRA UI, work with workflows, issues, custom fields, and much more.

"JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook" starts with recipes on simplifying the plugin development process followed by a complete chapter dedicated to the plugin framework to master plugins in JIRA.

Then we will move on to writing custom field plugins to create new field types or custom searchers. We then learn how to program and customize workflows to transform JIRA into a user friendly system.

Reporting support in an application like JIRA is inevitable! With so much data spanning across different projects, issues, and so on, and a lot of planning done for the project, we will cover how to work on reports and gadgets to get customized data according to our needs.

We will then look at customizing the various searching aspects of JIRA such as JQL, searching in plugins, managing filters, and so on.

"JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook" steers towards programming issues, such as creating, editing, and deleting issues, creating new issue operations, managing the various other operations available on issues via the JIRA APIs, and so on.

In the latter half of "JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook", you will learn how to customize JIRA by adding new tabs, menus, and web items, communicate with JIRA via the REST, SOAP or XML/RPC interfaces, and work with the JIRA database.

The book ends with a chapter on useful and general JIRA recipes.


"JIRA 5.x Development Cookbook" is part of Packt's Cookbook series. A Packt Cookbook contains step-by-step recipes for solutions to the most important problems you face when working with a topic.

Inside this Cookbook you will find:

  • A straightforward and easy-to-follow format
  • A selection of the most important tasks and problems
  • Carefully organized instructions for solving the problem efficiently
  • Clear explanations of what you did
  • Details for applying the solution to other situations

Who this book is for

If you are a JIRA developer or project manager who wants to fully exploit the exciting capabilities of JIRA, then this is the perfect book for you.


Packt Publishing




ca. 420





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