The Ragged Valley

Joanne Clague

Hörbuch Romane Historische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „The Ragged Valley“

Determined not to waste his life toiling for his cruel brother, Silas arrives in town to seek his fortune. Harriet has reconciled herself to a life of domestic service for her austere uncle. And John Gunson, Chief Engineer at the Sheffield Waterworks Company, has just completed his crowning glory – the Dale Dyke dam. But one stormy night, the unthinkable happens. The dam bursts. A wall of water is unleashed, destroying everything in its path. The aftershocks of the flood reach far beyond that night, with consequences that could never have been foreseen. Fatefully brought together, Silas and Harriet must now contend with their families as new love blooms. Meanwhile, Gunson faces not only an angry community but also a court of inquest looking for a scapegoat. Can any good come from the disaster, and will justice be served for those who lost everything?

Gelesen von:

Gareth Bennett-Ryan






8 Std. 47 Min.





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