A Historical Sketch of Company "B," Eighteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Three Months Service

Jewett Palmer

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Beschreibung zu „A Historical Sketch of Company "B," Eighteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry“

In 'A Historical Sketch of Company "B," Eighteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry' by Jewett Palmer, readers are taken on a detailed journey through the experiences of soldiers during the Civil War. Palmer's writing style is factual and straightforward, providing an authentic glimpse into the challenges faced by Company "B". This book is a valuable historical document that sheds light on the sacrifices and triumphs of these brave men in the context of the larger Civil War narrative. The meticulous attention to detail in recounting battles and daily life in the regiment adds depth to the narrative, making it a compelling read for history enthusiasts. Jewett Palmer's work stands out for its accuracy and thoroughness, offering a unique perspective on the Civil War from the viewpoint of an Ohio infantry regiment. Readers interested in military history and the Civil War period will find this book both informative and engaging.


Good Press




ca. 25





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