Geschichte des globalen Christentums

Teil 3: 20. Jahrhundert

Jens Holger Schjørring Norman A. Hjelm Kevin Ward

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Beschreibung zu „Geschichte des globalen Christentums“

The way in which the world's religions are intertwined in the dynamics of global development has become obvious in the twenty-first century. This also applies to Christianity. In view of the fact that its historiography is still predominantly regional or national, however, little is known about Christianity's historical process of development to become a religion that is globally active and plurally differentiated.
The third volume presents - for the first time in the German-speaking countries - a comprehensive, interdenominational and interdisciplinary history of global Christianity in the twentieth century. Renowned (church) historians and religious studies specialists trace developments during the century of world wars into the postmodern age. In addition to geographically arranged essays, supra-regional thematic issues such as ecumenism and Christian anti-Semitism are presented in an authoritative and comprehensible fashion.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 916





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