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If you want to teach your child how to handle his emotions without elevating his temper or…
you sometimes feel that their behavior is driving you crazy, and your mind makes it difficult to control your own emotions too…
What you are about to find out can be the most important message you'll read in a long time!
Please tell me…
What happened the last time you asked your little one to turn off his tablet or put the phone down and take a break?
It was quite painful, wasn't it?
And this is just one example of when your kid can't cope with their emotions which leads to anger, anxiety, and confusion in their heads.
And inside this book, I will give you an effective solution, not for a day or a week, but for a lifetime!
And the brilliant thing about it is that it will help you as much as it will help your child. Interested?
Here’s what's inside this audiobook:
-Get to know your child from inside out (this step is very important, so every time you have to deal with bad emotions, you know the exact reason)
-Typical Behavior vs. ADHD, what are the main differences and when you can suspect that a child really has ADHD?
-4 Parent types will help you find out WHAT KIND OF PARENT ARE YOU
-What happens when you deny your child's emotions? If not taken care of, this can lead to serious consequences!
-The Only Guide you are going to need to teach your kid emotional management (especially effective in tough situations)
-The Art of "Complete Parenting" – a lot of parents didn't want to hear this advice at first, but once they did… this changed their lives forever
-Making a "Frustration-Friendly" Space for your children is crucial! And here is how you do it
-Three Basket Strategy for emotional management (this can be your go-to method if you use it effectively, and I will tell you how)
-How to help your child develop the capacity to handle stress?
-So much more!
And you don't have to be a perfect parent to build this cozy and stress-free environment at your home and outside. Nobody is. But this book will give you the tools to get as close to it as you can imagine!
So don't wait, Get This Amazing Yell and Stress-Free Parenting audioBook Now!
ca. 74