Philosophical Reflections on Economic and Social Issues

The Way for Mankind, Book One

Jean-Marie Paglia

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Beschreibung zu „Philosophical Reflections on Economic and Social Issues“

The book deals with the problems of the world in the social and economic aspects. The general idea is that neoliberalism is basically wrong and will never solve the problem of a fair living standard for everyone. So-called development is not progress at all, but rather it is a sick growth if not done on moral bases.

The human creature believes it has reached the final point in evolution, a kind of perfect being, while in fact evolution is not finished and we have to continue the way in spiritual development. If there is any growth or development to be done, it must be a growth in consciousness, and the way to achieve it is through meditation, or other means of sef-improvement.

The book rests on a lot of research but absolutely not on personal speculation, the underlying thread and inspiration comes from traditional spiritual wisdom, and this allows a general view that joins everything together from basic wants to spiritual needs.

Mankind is already well engaged on its way to a better future.


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