A Treatise on Relics

Jean Calvin

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Beschreibung zu „A Treatise on Relics“

Jean Calvin's 'A Treatise on Relics' is a comprehensive exploration of the controversy surrounding relics during the Reformation era. In this seminal work, Calvin delves into the theological implications of relic veneration, providing a critical analysis of the role of relics in the Catholic Church. Written in a clear and concise prose, the book reflects Calvin's rigorous intellectual thought and theological expertise. This treatise stands as a significant contribution to the larger debate on religious practices and beliefs of the time. Calvin strategically uses biblical references and historical evidence to support his arguments, making it a compelling read for both scholars and lay readers interested in religious history. The book's exploration of the power dynamics within the Church and its critique of relic worship offer valuable insights into Calvin's reformist agenda and theological perspective. Overall, 'A Treatise on Relics' is a thought-provoking and enlightening work that sheds light on a controversial aspect of religious practices in the 16th century.


Good Press




ca. 224





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