On the Edge

Jane Jesmond

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „On the Edge“

Jen Shaw has climbed all her life. The riskier the ascent, the better. Until she went too far and hurt the people she cares about. So she's given it all up now and checked herself into a rehab centre to prove it. Yet, when Jen awakens drugged and dangling off the local lighthouse less than 24 hours after a 'family emergency' takes her home to Cornwall, she needs all her skill to battle her way to safety. Has Jen fallen back into her old ways, or is there a more sinister explanation? Only when she has navigated her fragmented memories and faced her past will she be able to piece together what happened - and trust herself to fix it.

Gelesen von:

Emma Powell


Isis Audio




8 Std. 59 Min.





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