Cut Adrift

Jane Jesmond

Hörbuch Romane Krimis

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Beschreibung zu „Cut Adrift“

Jen is climbing in the mountains near Alajar, Spain. And it's nothing to do with the fact that an old acquaintance, Nick Crawford, may have suggested that she meet him there. . .But when things don't go as planned with Nick and her brother calls to voice concerns over the whereabouts of Morwenna - their estranged, free-spirited mother - Jen winds up travelling to a refugee camp on the south coast of Malta. Morwenna is working with a small NGO to help her Libyan friend, Nahla, seek asylum for herself and her two young children. Then Nahla recognises someone else from Libya - and ends up dead later that same day. Jen and Morwenna find themselves responsible for the safety of Nahla's daughters. But what if the safest thing to do is to get in a boat?

Gelesen von:

Emma Powell


Isis Audio




9 Std. 22 Min.





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