Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel

Jane Austen Mrs. Steele MacKaye Steele Mrs. MacKaye

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Beschreibung zu „Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel“

In 'Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel,' literature and drama collide, presenting a vibrant exploration of Austen's enduring themes of class, gender, and matrimonial politics through the dynamic lens of performance. This collection not only revives Austens timeless narrative but also expands its reach by incorporating varying literary styles, from the nuanced, delicate prose of Austen's original work to the bold, expressive dialogues crafted by Steele Mrs. MacKaye. The juxtaposition of styles offers a unique literary experience, inviting readers to appreciate Austen's novel in a new, dramatized context that highlights the story's inherent tensions and societal critiques. The authors behind this project, Jane Austen and Steele Mrs. MacKaye, bring together historical literary genius and early 20th-century theatrical innovation. Austen's keen insight into the dilemmas of her time meets MacKaye's pioneering spirit in adapting literature for the stage, situating the play within a notable cultural and literary movement that sought to merge the literary and the performative for a broader audience. This confluence of backgrounds and eras enriches the narrative, allowing it to transcend its original form and speak to a new generation of readers and theatergoers. 'This collection is a must-read for Austen aficionados, theater lovers, and scholars alike, offering a unique opportunity to engage with 'Pride and Prejudice' through an alternative, yet profoundly respectful lens. It enables a deep dive into the complexities of Austen's world, magnified by the dramatic interpretations of MacKaye, fostering a richer understanding of the social dynamics at play. Readers are thus invited to revisit a beloved classic, discovering anew the nuances of Austen's critique of society's foibles and the enduring quest for personal integrity and love beyond societal expectations.

Über Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) wurde in Steventon, Hampshire, geboren und wuchs im elterlichen Pfarrhaus auf. Nach Meinung ihres Bruders führte sie «ein ereignisloses Leben». Sie heiratete nie. Ihre literarische Welt war die des englischen Landadels, deren wohl kaschierte Abgründe sie mit feiner Ironie und Satire entlarvte. Psychologisches Feingefühl und eine lebendige Sprache machen ihre scheinbar konventionellen Liebesgeschichten zu einer spannenden Lektüre. Vor einigen Jahren wurde Jane Austen auch vom Kino wiederentdeckt: «Sinn und Sinnlichkeit» mit Emma Thompson und Kate Winslet gewann 1996 den Golden Globe als bester Film des Jahres und den Oscar für das beste Drehbuch; «Stolz und Vorurteil» mit Keira Kneightley war 2006 für vier Oscars nominiert.


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