Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen Mohammed Ayya

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Beschreibung zu „Pride and Prejudice“

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennent, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. The comedy of the writing lies in the depiction of manners, education, marriage, and money during the British Regency period.

Mr. Bennet of the Longbourn estate has five daughters, but his property is entailed, meaning that none of the girls can inherit it. His wife has no fortune, so it is imperative that at least one of the girls marry well in order to support the others upon his death. Jane Austen's opening line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife", is a sentence filled with irony and playfulness. The novel revolves around the importance of marrying for love, not simply for money, despite the social pressures to make a good (i.e., wealthy) match.

Pride and Prejudice has long fascinated readers, consistently appearing near the top of lists of "most-loved books" among the general public. It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature and paved the way for many archetypes that abound in modern literature.

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Über Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) wurde in Steventon, Hampshire, geboren und wuchs im elterlichen Pfarrhaus auf. Nach Meinung ihres Bruders führte sie «ein ereignisloses Leben». Sie heiratete nie. Ihre literarische Welt war die des englischen Landadels, deren wohl kaschierte Abgründe sie mit feiner Ironie und Satire entlarvte. Psychologisches Feingefühl und eine lebendige Sprache machen ihre scheinbar konventionellen Liebesgeschichten zu einer spannenden Lektüre. Vor einigen Jahren wurde Jane Austen auch vom Kino wiederentdeckt: «Sinn und Sinnlichkeit» mit Emma Thompson und Kate Winslet gewann 1996 den Golden Globe als bester Film des Jahres und den Oscar für das beste Drehbuch; «Stolz und Vorurteil» mit Keira Kneightley war 2006 für vier Oscars nominiert.

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