Glimpses of America

A Pictorial and Descriptive History of Our Country's Scenic Marvels

James W. Buel

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Beschreibung zu „Glimpses of America“

In 'Glimpses of America' by James W. Buel, readers are treated to a collection of vivid and insightful essays that provide an in-depth exploration of various aspects of American culture, history, and society. Buel's literary style is marked by a keen attention to detail and a thoughtful analysis of the different facets of American life. The book offers a unique perspective on the country's evolution and the challenges it has faced over time, making it a valuable contribution to American literature. Buel's writing reflects the tumultuous times in which he lived, offering a nuanced understanding of the complexities of the American experience. His work is not only historically significant but also serves as a compelling narrative that captures the essence of America's past and present. 'Glimpses of America' is a must-read for anyone interested in delving deep into the richness of American history and culture.


Good Press




ca. 391





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