The 50 Greatest Dishes of the World

James Steen

Natur & Reise

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Beschreibung zu „The 50 Greatest Dishes of the World“

Having dined and worked with some of the most brilliant chefs

around the world, top food writer James Steen presents the definitive 50 dishes

to die for.

Let your taste buds travel the world to discover the delights of

Vietnam's meaty pho, Japan's aromatic ramen, and the rib-sticking, spicy gumbo

of America's Deep South. Learn the truth and fascinating histories of our

favourite foods – how Queen Victoria loved a tongue-tingling curry and precisely

why Marmite is an essential part of Queen Elizabeth's fried breakfast.

Help settle the rows over the origins of the juicy burger, the swirly-peaked

pavlova and the cherry-topped ice cream sundae. Oh, and is beef Wellington – so

very British – actually named after the streets of Chicago?

Including intriguing facts and valuable

cooking tips, The 50 Greatest Dishes of the

World is the epicurean's

indispensable epicurean's travel


Über James Steen

James Steen is an award-winning journalist, food writer, author and ghostwriter. He has a deep fascination for both the cook and cooking, and collaborates with great chefs. He ghosted the autobiographies of Marco Pierre White (The Devil in the Kitchen), Raymond Blanc (A Taste of My Life) and Keith Floyd (Stirred But Not Shaken). His other books include Marco Made Easy and Kitchen Secrets. He is a consultant to small-but-pioneering food companies, and contributes to a wide variety of publications. James lives in London with his wife Louise and their children, Charlie, Billy and Daisy.


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