Side Lights

John F. Runciman James Runciman

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Beschreibung zu „Side Lights“

James Runciman's 'Side Lights' is a collection of insightful essays that shed light on various aspects of society and culture during the late 19th century. Runciman's literary style is characterized by wit, humor, and keen observation, making the essays both engaging and informative. Written in the context of the Victorian era, 'Side Lights' offers a glimpse into the social norms, values, and issues of the time, providing valuable historical and cultural insights for readers. Runciman's ability to analyze complex societal structures and cultural phenomena sets this collection apart as a significant contribution to Victorian literature. His keen eye for detail and sharp wit make 'Side Lights' a captivating read for anyone interested in the social history of the 19th century. As a prominent journalist and social commentator of his time, Runciman's perspective offers a unique and valuable perspective on Victorian society, making 'Side Lights' a must-read for those seeking to deepen their understanding of this fascinating period in history.


Good Press




ca. 199





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