"Evacuation Day", 1783, Its Many Stirring Events

James Riker

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Beschreibung zu „"Evacuation Day", 1783, Its Many Stirring Events“

In James Riker's 'Evacuation Day', 1783, Its Many Stirring Events, readers are taken on a historical journey back to the momentous day when British troops departed from New York City. Riker meticulously details the events leading up to and following this crucial moment in American history, providing a thorough examination of the political and social climate of the time. Written in a scholarly and informative style, the book offers a comprehensive account of the significance of Evacuation Day and its lasting impact on the city and its inhabitants. Riker's attention to detail and well-researched narrative make this book a valuable resource for those interested in early American history. As a respected historian, Riker brings a depth of knowledge and insight to his work, shedding light on lesser-known aspects of this pivotal moment in the American Revolution. 'Evacuation Day' is a must-read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike, offering a compelling and informative look at a crucial event in the founding of the United States.


Good Press




ca. 73





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