Swift Lightning

James Oliver Curwood

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Beschreibung zu „Swift Lightning“

In James Oliver Curwood's novel 'Swift Lightning', readers are transported to the rugged wilderness of the Canadian North, where a gripping tale of survival unfolds. Curwood's vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling style make this book a classic adventure novel that remains timeless. Set in the early 20th century, the literary context of the book reflects the fascination with the wilderness and man's resilience against nature during that time period. James Oliver Curwood, a prolific author of adventure stories, drew inspiration from his own experiences in the Canadian wilderness. His love for the outdoors and wildlife is evident in his writing, as he expertly captures the beauty and dangers of the natural environment. 'Swift Lightning' showcases Curwood's ability to create compelling characters and thrilling plotlines that keep readers on the edge of their seats. I highly recommend 'Swift Lightning' to readers who enjoy adventure novels filled with suspense and drama. Curwood's masterful storytelling and descriptive prose make this book a captivating read that will transport you to the heart of the wild Canadian landscape.


Good Press




ca. 150





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