Exploding Zombie Cock

James Miller


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Beschreibung zu „Exploding Zombie Cock“

The powder was in the top cabinet, behind packs of organic barley and quinoa that we never use. I unwrapped the plastic and took out the bottle. I put on a pair of wash gloves and carefully unscrewed the lid, catching a faint whiff of something, thick, clotted and musty, like a crypt filled with dead spider's webs and moth's wings. I took a tea spoon and scooped out a tiny pinch. It was a dull grey colour. Quick, I stirred it in. A brief fizz as it met the JD and Coke, then nothing. I added two ice cubes. This is a story about an Exploding Zombie Cock by the brilliant James Miller. What more do you need to know?! (If you really have to know more, it definitely lives up the title. And is a bit rude.)

Über James Miller

After studying drama at Greenwich University James Miller won a place at the Bridge Theatre training company in Camden Town. It was here that he started using its cosmopolitan environment as material for his writing. His keenly observant eye is translated into both poetry and pros. He has had numerous poems published in anthologies and magazines. James uses his clever turn of phrase to comment on a wide range of topics, from homelessness, politics and environmental issues. On a lighter note, James is known as the Bard of Selhurst , writing weekly published poems for his beloved Crystal Palace football club. 'Clucking!' Is a result of his fascination with and teenage exposure to the tragic disease of addiction so rife in modern day London and throughout the whole of society.


Galley Beggar Press




ca. 32





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