The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)

Novels, Plays, Essays, Short Stories & Memoirs

J. M. Barrie

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Beschreibung zu „The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)“

Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created volume of "The Complete Works of J. M. Barrie (With Illustrations)". This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
Sir James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937) is one of the greatest Scottish novelists and playwrights, best remembered as the creator of Peter Pan.
Peter Pan Adventures
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Peter and Wendy
Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up
When Wendy Grew Up
Better Dead
When a Man's Single
Auld Licht Idylls
A Window in Thrums
The Little Minister
Sentimental Tommy
Tommy and Grizel
The Little White Bird
Farewell Miss Julie Logan
A Tillyloss Scandal
Life in a Country Manse
Lady's Shoe
Short Stories
A Holiday in Bed and Other Sketches
Two of Them and Other Stories
Other Short Stories
Inconsiderate Waiter
The Courting of T'Nowhead's Bell
Dite Deuchars
The Minister's Gown
Shutting a Map
An Invalid in Lodgings
The Mystery of Time-Tables
Mending the Clock
The Biggest Box in the World
The Coming Dramatist
The Result of a Tramp
The Other "Times"
How Gavin Birse Put it to Mag Lownie
The Late Sherlock Holmes
Ibsen's Ghost
Jane Annie
Walker, London
The Professor's Love Story
The Little Minister: A Play
The Wedding Guest
Little Mary
Quality Street
The Admirable Crichton
What Every Woman Knows
Der Tag (The Tragic Man)
Dear Brutus
Alice Sit-by-the-Fire
A Kiss for Cinderella
Shall We Join the Ladies?
Half an Hour
Seven Women
Old Friends
Mary Rose
The Boy David
The Twelve-Pound Look
The Will
The Old Lady Shows Her Medals
The New Word
Barbara's Wedding
A Well-Remembered Voice
Neither Dorking Nor The Abbey
Charles Frohman: A Tribute
Preface to The Young Visiters
Captain Hook at Eton
The Man from Nowhere
Woman and the Press
A Plea for Smaller Books
Boy's Books
The Lost Works of George Meredith
The Humor of Dickens
Ndintpile Pont(?)...

Über J. M. Barrie

Sir James Matthew Barrie (* 9. Mai 1860 in Kirriemuir, Schottland; † 19. Juni 1937 in London), besser als J. M. Barrie bekannt, war ein schottischer Schriftsteller und Dramatiker. Peter Pan ist seine bekannteste literarische Figur.


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