Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs

James M. Mackinlay

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Beschreibung zu „Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs“

In 'Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs' by James M. Mackinlay, readers are immersed in a rich tapestry of ancient folklore surrounding the natural landscapes of Scotland. Mackinlay expertly weaves together tales of mythical creatures, supernatural encounters, and ancient legends, shedding light on the mystical significance of Scottish lochs and springs. Written in a detailed and evocative style, this book transports readers to a bygone era where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, offering a glimpse into the collective imagination of the Scottish people. Mackinlay's work serves as a valuable contribution to the study of folklore, highlighting the enduring power of storytelling in shaping cultural identity and beliefs. The author's meticulous research and passion for the subject shine through in every page, making this book a captivating read for anyone interested in Scottish folklore, mythology, or cultural history. 'Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs' is a must-read for those seeking to uncover the hidden treasures of Scotland's mystical heritage.


Good Press




ca. 292





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