
James Joyce

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Beschreibung zu „Exiles“

The only extant play by the great Irish novelist, Exiles is of interest both for its autobiographical content and for formal reasons. In the characters and their circumstances details of Joyce's life are evident. The main character, Richard Rowan, the moody, tormented writer who is at odds with both his wife and the parochial Irish society around him, is clearly a portrait of Joyce himself. The character of Rowan's wife, Bertha, is certainly influenced by Joyce's lover and later wife, Nora Barnacle, with whom he left Ireland and lived a seminomadic existence in Zurich, Rome, Trieste, and Paris. As in real life, the play depicts the couple with a young son and, like Joyce, Rowan has returned to Ireland because of his mother's illness and subsequent death.

Über James Joyce

James Joyce (1882–1941) gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Vertreter der literarischen Moderne in Europa. Wenige Autoren haben stärker auf das 20. Jahrhundert eingewirkt als der revolutionäre irische Sprachmagier. Besonders sein Erfindungsreichtum fasziniert: Wie kein Zweiter beherrschte Joyce das Spiel der Wortschöpfungen und poetischen Lautmalereien.


Aeterna Classics




ca. 97





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