Children and Their Books

James Hosmer Penniman

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Beschreibung zu „Children and Their Books“

In 'Children and Their Books' by James Hosmer Penniman, readers are taken on a journey through the history and importance of children's literature. Penniman explores the evolution of children's books, from simple moralistic tales to complex and engaging stories that captivate young minds. The book delves into the literary style of children's literature, including its educational and entertainment value, making it a valuable resource for educators and parents alike. Penniman also discusses the impact of popular culture on children's reading habits, shedding light on the role of technology in shaping the future of children's books. With detailed analysis and insightful commentary, 'Children and Their Books' offers a comprehensive look at the world of children's literature. James Hosmer Penniman's background as a professor of English literature and a specialist in children's literature gives him a unique perspective on the subject. His passion for promoting literacy and fostering a love of reading among children shines through in this informative and thought-provoking book. 'Children and Their Books' is a must-read for anyone interested in the power of literature to shape young minds and inspire a lifelong love of reading.


Good Press




ca. 17





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