Laura Everingham; or, The Highlanders of Glen Ora

James Grant

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Beschreibung zu „Laura Everingham; or, The Highlanders of Glen Ora“

James Grant's novel, 'Laura Everingham; or, The Highlanders of Glen Ora,' published in the mid-19th century, is a compelling tale set in the rugged Scottish Highlands. Grant's literary style combines elements of romanticism and realism, immersing readers in the vivid and atmospheric landscape of Glen Ora. The story follows the protagonist, Laura Everingham, as she navigates the challenges of love, loyalty, and family secrets in a setting filled with mystery and intrigue. Grant's attention to detail and character development make this novel a captivating read for fans of historical fiction and Scottish literature. The author's deep understanding of Scottish culture and history shines through in his evocative descriptions of the Highland way of life, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. 'Laura Everingham' is a classic work that continues to resonate with readers seeking a rich and engaging story set against the backdrop of the enchanting Scottish countryside.


Good Press




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