A History of Horncastle, from the earliest period to the present time

James Conway Walter

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Beschreibung zu „A History of Horncastle, from the earliest period to the present time“

James Conway Walter's 'A History of Horncastle, from the earliest period to the present time' delves into the rich historical tapestry of the English town of Horncastle, providing readers with a comprehensive account of its past up to the present day. Walter's book is meticulously researched, offering a detailed exploration of the town's evolution, key events, and influential figures. Written in a clear and engaging style, the book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in local history and the development of rural communities in England. Walter's work not only sheds light on Horncastle's unique heritage but also contributes to a broader understanding of regional history within the larger historical context of England. James Conway Walter was uniquely positioned to write this book, having dedicated his career to studying the history of rural towns in England. His expertise in local history shines through in the meticulous detail and thoughtful analysis present in 'A History of Horncastle.' By recommending this book, readers with an interest in English history, local studies, or rural communities will undoubtedly find Walter's work to be both informative and engaging.


Good Press




ca. 338





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