Black Harvest: Cursed Blood

Jakob Melander

Hörbuch Romane Thriller

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Beschreibung zu „Black Harvest: Cursed Blood“

Malin is the youngest scion in the Askehave family, who own Denmark's second-largest shipping group, and also the one that their father wishes as CEO after him.

However, Malin and her brother, Robert, the director of Climate Action Network Europe, have broken off all contact with the family years ago. They are deeply engaged in the struggle against climate change. Malin Askehave is now the lead singer of the internationally popular R&B band, Gaia 5.

Malin is now living a bohemian life in Copenhagen with her baby son Balder and Casper, the bass guitarist in the band. Becoming a mother, she realizes that it is not right to deny her son family roots. But before she gets to reunite with her parents, her father Magnus kills himself.

His unexpected death changes everything for Malin. It launches her on a journey towards the uncovering of chilling secrets on both sides of her family.

Über Jakob Melander

Jakob Melander, 1965 geboren, studierte Komparatistik an der Universität Kopenhagen und war jahrelang Gitarrist in mehreren dänischen Rock- und Punkbands. Nach seinem ersten Thriller "Blutwind" folgte "Roter Nebel", der zweite Band um den Polizisten Lars Winkler.

Gelesen von:

Stephanie Cannon






11 Std. 3 Min.





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