Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints

Written by an Agile enthusiast, this comprehensive guide to GreenHopper will help you track and manage your projects in a way that achieves the best value for your team. Excellent reading for everybody from stakeholders to scrum masters.

Jaibeer Malik

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints“

Agile methodologies like Scrum focus on customer values in an incremental way. Regular planning, tracking, reporting, and improving can become equally challenging from a project management perspective. GreenHopper is a tooling support for JIRA that offers easy adoption of agile practices through rich interfaces for effective team collaboration and project management.

Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to manage agile projects using the GreenHopper tooling system. With easy adoption using pre-sets for Scrum & Kanban, the rich interface focuses on the work at hand, increasing team productivity. Executing sprints, tracking sprints, and reporting on agile projects has never been so easy. The integration with different development environments helps teams to focus on collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. This book covers agile project management concepts using GreenHopper.

You will learn about backlog management for your agile team, how to create projects and boards for your agile team, and how to create new backlog items, prioritize items, estimate backlog items, create sprints, and update technical task status and report on the same.

You will learn everything you need to know about managing an agile project using GreenHopper and how to achieve the best value for your team.


Packt Publishing




ca. 84





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