Voyage In Search Of La Perouse Volume I

Jacques Labillardiere

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Beschreibung zu „Voyage In Search Of La Perouse Volume I“

Jacques Labillardiere's 'Voyage In Search Of La Perouse Volume I' is a meticulously detailed account of his expedition to search for the lost expedition of explorer Jean-Francois de Galaup, comte de La Perouse. Labillardiere's writing style is both informative and engaging, providing readers with a vivid depiction of the landscapes and cultures he encountered during his journey. The book is a valuable historical resource, shedding light on the impact of European exploration on distant lands in the late 18th century. Labillardiere's meticulous documentation of botanical specimens also adds a scientific element to the narrative, further enriching the reader's experience. 'Voyage In Search Of La Perouse Volume I' is a literary gem that showcases Labillardiere's expertise as a naturalist and explorer, making it a must-read for those interested in maritime history and botanical studies.


Good Press




ca. 304





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