Man to Man

Western Novel

Jackson Gregory

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Beschreibung zu „Man to Man“

Steve Packard comes from a long line of rough and tumble men, who make decisions at the drop of a hat. As soon as he hears the news of his father's death and his inheritance of Ranch Number Ten, he rushes to claim his inheritance. It might turn out to be the worst mistake of his life!
"Steve Packard's pulses quickened and a bright eagerness came into his eyes as he rode deeper into the pine-timbered mountains. To-day he was on the last lap of a delectable journey. Three days ago he had ridden out of the sun-baked town of San Juan; three months had passed since he had sailed out of a South Sea port.Far down there, foregathering with sailor men in a dirty water-front boarding-house, he had grown suddenly and even tenderly reminiscent of a cleaner land which he had roamed as a boy. He stared back across the departed years as many a man has looked from just some such resort as Black Jack's boarding-house, a little wistfully withal."






ca. 222





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