Inflection 05: Feedback

Journal of the Melbourne School of Design

Jack Self Greg Lynn Christine Wamsler Nicole Lambrou Lucia Amies Samuel Chesbrough Sarah Mair Olivia Potter William Ward

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Beschreibung zu „Inflection 05: Feedback“

The term 'big data' is virtually ubiquitous in both cultural and technical contexts.
The fifth volume of Inflection is an open-ended investigation into how designers are interpreting and countering the prevailing narrative that pushes for greater efficiency and automation using sophisticated data analytics. Feedback gathers a wide range of responses, united by their collective advocacy for a sophisticated understanding of processes, frameworks and ethics.
Inflection is a student-run design journal based at the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne. Born from a desire to stimulate debate and generate ideas,
it advocates the discursive voice of students, academics and practitioners. Founded in 2013, Inflection is a home for provocative writing—a place to share ideas and engage with contemporary discourse.


AADR – Art Architecture Design Research




ca. 110





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